Health insurance strategy for a Finnish non-life insurance company 


Voluntary personal insuring has grown steadily in recent years. Factors contributing to this trend include challenges in public healthcare services, financial difficulties of welfare areas, a shortage of healthcare personnel, and cuts to social insurance institution (Kela) reimbursements.

Previously, voluntary personal insurance primarily focused on children. In recent years, these insurance policies have become more common among particularly well-off adults aged 30 to 50. As voluntary personal insurance market grows, the role of insurance companies has also become more active. Insurance companies can influence the growth of claims expenses by participating in care needs assessment and negotiating partnership prices with healthcare service providers. The market growth has prompted insurance companies to develop their health insurance strategies. 

VALOR role and results

VALOR acted as a partner for a Finnish insurance company in updating their health insurance strategy.

The strategy process began with defining the current state of customer’s health insuring business and the desired changes. The work included a market analysis that described the healthcare service market and the customer’s position in the market.

The project identified the customer’s differentiating factors in the market, and from these, derived areas for the customer’s business development. The customer was responsible for implementing the actions themselves.